Understanding how House Exchange improves peoples’ lives is important; it helps us to identify how we can continue to deliver a great service.  

With thousands of residents finding a mutual exchange through our service, we have some incredible stories to share! 


Christopher’s Story 

Christopher said he is so much happier in his new home and his mental health has really improved. His house is located in a much quieter environment and he has formed great relationships with his neighbours. There is always something to do in the garden which has been an excellent asset to improving his wellbeing. 

Read Christopher’s full story


Deborah’s Story  

Deborah explained that after her son set up her House Exchange account, she found the website easy to navigate and would recommend it to people in order to find a move. She liked that you can add all the specific requirements for what you're looking for onto the property advert. 

Read Deborah’s full story


Janice’s Story 

“I found the process of moving stressful, but to be fair it went a whole lot better than I expected. The part I liked was that it only took 3 weeks... ...I'm so glad I went ahead with it I know I've done the right thing once again.” 

Read Janice’s full story


Maggie’s Story  

"We were living in a small one bedroomed flat, but were not happy. We felt cramped and were unable to have our grandchildren to stay. We intended to move to Sudbury to be near my mother in her care home, however the only available homes in Sudbury (through our landlord) were also too small. We have bicycles, a car each, and a motorbike and living in a flat leaves us without proper storage for our possessions. Once we had been contacted by our exchange lady, who wanted to exchange, we were very enthusiastic about moving. The house was within our village and not in Sudbury, but was so much a place we wanted to live that we happily decided to drive to Sudbury when we visited my mum. We are very happy in our new home, and it's completely due to Housing Exchange. My husband and I couldn’t be happier, so thank you SO much!” 

Read Maggie’s full story


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