We have two options available dependent upon the needs of your organisation. 

My Mutual Exchange

This feature is embedded at no extra cost within the platform so you can keep your tenants updated on the progress of their mutual exchange application. Here you will find the optional steps to approve your tenants exchange request: 

  • Application - this confirms to the tenant that you have received their mutual exchange application. You can update the application status and also advise if they don't meet the criteria 
  • Home checks - this includes scheduling a property inspection to ensure the home is suitable for an exchange. Confirmation of appointments can be added along with any notes for information which needs to be relayed
  • Works required - if any unauthorised improvemants have been made to the property or there is a requirement to carry out remedial works, you can update your tenant at each stage
  • Swap - you will be able to provide your tenant with an update under each relevant stage in this section before you grant approval of the exchange. For exampe this could include confirmation that you've received all the information for each participant, details of other landlords, references 
  • Moving - in order to agree a moving date, you will have the facility to update sections such as gas checks and capping, legal paperwork for all exchange parties
  • Complete - all required steps have been completed and you can update the tenants account to show that they have successfully exchanged and are ready move home 

This tool is complimentary to your existing mutual exchange process and has been designed to help reduce calls and emails made by your tenants. 

Mutual Exchange (MEx) Connections

Track and manage mutual exchanges more efficiently! This portal was created as a joint venture with our partner Home Connections to provide a mutual exchange platform for the purpose of tracking and managing the application process. The portal can be added as an additional service to House Exchange. 

Why use MEx Connections?   

Beyond minimising the administrative burden involved in overseeing the entire Mutual Exchange process, you can: 

  • Track date at your fingertips - Replace Excel spreadsheets to monitor all your ongoing mutual exchange transactions in one place and with real-time status
  • Progress tenancy checks quicker - Through a dedicated assessment area, you can carry out all the tenancy checks needed to process your mutual exchange transactions
  • Communicate with tenants instantly - Send emails, messages or letters directly from the MEx Connections back-office and implement a better communication channel with tenants
  • Hit target timeframes - MEx Connections’ region countdown indicators will help you stay on track with all your transactions and hit target timeframes

Designed with social landlords in mind, MEx Connections will reduce time and administrative workload in processing your mutual exchange transactions. 

  • Dashboard dedicated to mutual exchange transactions 
  • Online application form with your branding 
  • Communications portal, including letters, instant messages and emails 
  • Assessment area for tenancy checks, inspections & others 
  • Mutual exchange tracking timer with region countdown 
  • Easy document upload and storage for both tenants and staff 
  • In-depth reporting suite 

Residents can quickly submit their application; they do not need to be registered with any one mutual exchange portal. We understand that residents have different opportunities to finding a swap, such as Facebook groups and other social media channels; this portal will allow them to contact you easily.  

Our fees remain low compared to other tracking systems available, making a transition from one mutual exchange service to another easy and affordable.